Part of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences Ethnography as Knowledge working group
Deadline: 23 March, 2020
This panel invites contributions on ethnographic practice and knowledge in critical times, asking the question: How can ethnography help us understand and produce knowledge in crisis-ridden and overbearing conditions of the world today? A growing preoccupation and engagement with the conditions of our field-sites, urges ethnographers to devise critical ways of exploring them, over and above self-awareness in the field and through rendering knowledge production collective, collaborative and public at various stages of the knowledge making. We are looking for papers that address ethnographic and epistemological experiences, research method and interpretation in light of the emergence of present social, political and economic conditions and scholarly considerations. What preoccupies the ethnographer during critical times today? What can attention to ethnographic experience tell us about the circumstances that come to bear upon informants and researchers alike, in significant and sometimes unavoidable ways? What are the knowledge production implications of "living in" the field vs. encountering it? We also welcome papers on the status and role of reflexivity particularly when reflexivity moves beyond the individually-centered focus and on experiences of collective and collaborative ethnographic research.
Abstract submission guidelines are here and details below
Abstract submission guidelines:
Abstract submission system: